Statement on recent outages in St. Paul’s and surrounding communities

Recently, customers in St. Paul’s, Newton Ground, Lamberts, and surrounding communities have been experiencing power outages due to issues on the Sandy Point Feeder.
Our crews are presently working around the clock to identify the cause of these outages, make necessary repairs, and to restore power as quickly and as safely as possible.
To date, our technicians have conducted a pole by pole exercise, inspection of transformers, and clearing of lines. SKELEC continues to monitor and investigate this area closely for any fault which may be causing these outages.
SKELEC wishes to apologise for any inconvenience caused and would like to reassure the public that we are doing all we can to reduce and eliminate the occurrence of these outages. SKELEC thanks the public for its patience during this time.
SKELEC is encouraging members of the public to stay tuned to its Facebook page for all of the latest updates about emergency outages.